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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

K2GXT Repeater Antenna Installation and Echolink

On Saturday November 10,2007 the RIT Amateur Radio Club K2GXT installed a new 2 meter band (144-148MHz) antenna on top of Ellingson Hall. We did this in conjunction with WITR 89.7 who had to shut down their 1000 watt transmitter while we were up there. We are installing this antenna for eventual use in the 2 meter repeater we are currently building. The antenna, coax, and duplexer were installed during this event. The repeater is being built by RIT students and members of K2GXT as a club project. This repeater will be open for use to all licensed amateur radio operators, visit the ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League) for more information of obtaining an amateur radio license. The 70 cm repeater that is currently in operation on Ellingson Hall was connected to Echolink after the installation.


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  2. I use a metallic crossboom so that I can use vertical polarization on the VHF antennas, and run the feedline along the crossboom without adverse interactions. To keep the antennas low-profile (tucked in behind the roof corner of the house) I need to keep the feedlines from hanging off the rear of the array, therefore vertical polarization is suitable.

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